maanantai 29. lokakuuta 2012

Hi there!

Shanghai 29.10.2012 Miia Syrjä and Sanna-Kaisa Laakkonen

This post is written by two Live Performance Technology students from Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. We are part of the group from Metropolia that came to Shanghai Radical Design Week to build the Urban Inspirations -exhibition at Donghua University. We were the first Finns to arrive and will be the last ones to leave. This kind of scheduling is ordinary for technicians and we certainly don't mind being here for almost two weeks, since this is our first trip to China. 

A day after our arrival a few more members of our group accompanied us to set up the exhibition. We started to work immediately together with the local construction company. It took us four days and now the exhibition is open for public. Our role in this exhibition was to handle all the audiovisual technology, as well as to prepare the multimedia materials. In addition to this we will be shooting some video material that we hopefully get to post later on to this blog.

Here is some footage of the building process. Enjoy!

Best regards,
Miia Syrjä and Sanna-Kaisa Laakkonen,
Live Performance Technology students
Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

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